Strongly recommend the weekly climate factcheck by @readfearn if you have been hearing a lot of spurious claims on climate recently. And you probably have.…

The Burnet Institute’s “world-first” Australian study into face masks has been ripped to shreds as “very, very low quality”, with questions over how it was even published - via ⁦…

MPs have parliamentary privilege, which means they can say anything they like on the floor of parliament and not be sued.…

Essential vital reading: “The Nationals have tied Morrison to a short leash. The NSW Liberals have outgunned, outpaced and outshone him. The Victorians reckon Josh Frydenberg’s regular attacks come with Morrison’s blessing, so largely ignore Morrison”…

Please read this excellent response to the putrid piece in the AFR by my wonderful friend ⁦@DrDemography⁩. Liz, you are amazing and I love you. #auspol…

In this morning’s @TheNewDailyAu column I engage in some alarmism: 1.5 degrees is all but unachievable. 2 degrees means frequent 50 degrees in Sydney and Melb and 1-in-10-year coastal events would happen every 10 days.…