Exclusive: Nationals at war in leaked WhatsApp messages over ‘Terminator’ @mattjcan shooting a “cop” in spoof climate change video @newscomauHQ news.com.au/technology/env…

Every aspect of this situation is maddening and unfair.
'Inside the hotel, staff and those detained say the hotel is an “incubator” for the virus.'

Helpful visual comparison of Australia's lack of ambition on cuts to emissions, including a LULUCF toggle which should be everywhere, all the time theguardian.com/environment/20…

My piece in the @FinancialReview reacting to the government’s “plan” to achieve net-zero by 2050. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, but we should be infuriated.

“This island is me, and I am this island,” Wadhuam Pabai Pabai says of the homeland he’s known all his life.
“I can’t imagine being forced to leave Boigu … there are 65,000 years of wealth and experience here.” ⁦@GuardianAustheguardian.com/australia-news…

An Aboriginal teenager who had his cheek “torn apart” and needed surgery after being arrested should not have been tackled or struck by police, but the five officers involved did not commit misconduct, according to the independent police watchdog. smh.com.au/national/nsw/p…

Analysis from the BBC: "PM said Australia had a plan to lower emissions, but it does not include ending its massive fossil fuel sectors ... The nation will also not set ambitious targets for 2030 - an objective of next month's COP26 global climate summit." bbc.com/news/world-aus…