The NSW govt offered a $500,000 a year trade commissioner job to a senior public servant with a stellar CV, only to rescind the offer and later appoint the former deputy premier John Barilaro…

Watt a charade.
Not a single bit of electricity flowing from $1 billion pledge three years ago.

How your spiking energy bills are making foreign investors rich | @abcnews #energy #gas #gasprices #auspol #ausecon #ausbiz #costofliving #energyindustry…

"An election in Australia was the last thing on their minds.
'How could we predict the day? We just wanted to save our lives and get to shore,' said father-of-two Pathmanathan"

The train wreck, the mess, the shambles left behind by the deceitful, indolent, incompetent Morrison rabble.… via @SatPaper

The Herald made mistakes over Rebel Wilson, and will learn from them. Saturday’s piece has been retracted and Andrew Hornery goes into detail here about what we didn’t get right…