Some great stuff here from @pocockdavid and @zdaniel. Conceive of targets as a floor not a ceiling. Focus on the policies, institutions and incentives that will drive abatement and see how much further we can get.

NEW from @hrw
Climate protesters are being increasingly + disproportionately subjected to vindictive legal action by Australian authorities that is restricting the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly & expression #Australia…

This isn't over, the virus is changing at a rate none of us expected and reinfections are not uncommon. Wearing a mask in crowded indoor situation makes sense. Don’t pump brakes: our COVID strategy must change to reflect reality…

Watt a charade.
Not a single bit of electricity flowing from $1 billion pledge three years ago.

You've probably seen headlines about the end of a 2-year diplomatic freeze betw China & Australia, but what does this actually mean? On today's pod, we recap the tensions from 2017 to now. Longstanding points of friction remain. With @JaneSYLee & @jskoning…

So true Leigh Sales: "It's not your job as a journalist to agree or disagree w them. That's for the audience. It's your job to report people's positions fairly and accurately. You can't do that if you talk to them with a judgmental mindset."…

Terrific piece this. Qantas, Telstra, CBA are now just companies like all others - they are plutocracies, entirely in the hands of who governs them at the time. Might be good, might be dreadful - up to the good to stop the dreadful. Same with countries.…

M'colleague Guy Rundle excellent on how the Greens are royally fucking up with their obsession with culture war bullshit