A message from the activist group LEAN that lobbies Labor for higher climate ambition. The Greens will ruin climate consensus if they sink Labor’s 43% target ⁦@msmarto#auspol theguardian.com/australia-news…

If (new) environment laws...still allow development of new coal and gas mines – when the state of the environment report finds climate change..threatening every ecosystem, logic will be stretched beyond breaking point - @adamlmorton theguardian.com/environment/20…

Start spreadin’ the news
I’m leavin’ today
I want to be a part of it.
New Pork, New Pork…

Victoria’s integrity agencies have excoriated Andrews government MPs and the Labor Party in a damning report. | @sumeyyailanbey theage.com.au/politics/victo…

Queensland police made a protection order against woman due to scratches she inflicted in self-defence when her partner was strangling her. theguardian.com/australia-news…

I wrote a column for @GuardianAus on the call to 'end the climate wars' theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

Big day in the Federal Court today - we learned the federal government wants to keep secret a list of dozens of hotels, schools, hospitals, businesses and homes it uses as makeshift detention facilities for refugees and asylum seekers across Melbourne 1/2