'I often lie awake at night, waiting for the hot flush and racing heart to pass, drifting in and out of sleep. I observe the changes in my body and my mind with curiosity and tenderness.'
The first piece in our series on menopause, by @SvetlaStankovic theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

It's been a rough year for me. After catching COVID in Jan I never recovered. I had some dark days, at my worst I couldn't read, think or really move. Post-viral illnesses can be devastating, but they're poorly recognised. It's difficult to get help.

Dumb ways to Buy. @MrRexPatrick on Australia's biggest and most under-reported waste of public money #auspol
Story you will *not* read in mainstream media

A must-read on @elonmusk from Linette Lopez, one of the journalists that Musk has suspended from Twitter.
She has covered his business activities with a critical eye for years.

Does Lachlan Murdoch and his legal team have any idea what they are doing? Who attempts to move the goal posts like this days before Christmas and a court-ordered mediation? It's like stopping the presses to change a story on p5: afr.com/companies/medi…

An Afghan refugee held by Australia on Nauru since 2013 has been prevented from reuniting with his extended family – who were evacuated from Kabul to Melbourne last year – despite him needing to be moved off Nauru for urgent medical treatment @guardian theguardian.com/australia-news…