wild story on the conditions baggage handlers are working in that while focuses on Qantas explains a lot the “airport chaos” being experienced worldwide after pandemic redundancies and airlines outsourcing contracts, by @EliasVisontay theguardian.com/business/2022/…

""He interrupted my quiet time, filmed and uploaded a video without my consent, turning it into something it wasn't, and I feel like he is making quite a lot of money through it."

Peak self-awareness: Gerry Harvey has used a 23-minute radio interview on Melbourne's highest rating morning show to complain that he's being silenced. joeas.tn/3o0T0nS

‘We now have a situation where the law requires COVID-positive people to stay home for seven days, but refuses to provide them with compensation if they have no leave entitlements. It’s a legally mandated week of zero income.’

BREAKING In his first media interview since signing the China deal, Sogavare has told the Guardian there will be no military base, as that would make Sols an “enemy” and Australia remains “security partner of choice”

I mean I have to admit this does seem quite corruptish. A bit corruptiony, you might say. A little bit unlawfulesque theguardian.com/australia-news…

What goes around comes around eh - A Fijian journalist spots a Chinese embassy official who barred her & other media from Wang Yi's visit earlier this year... posing as media: theguardian.com/world/2022/jul…

🔥🔥🔥 ⁦@mrjoeaston⁩ today. afr.com/rear-window/sc…

New: Labor MP breaks ranks to call for pandemic leave payments and free rapid tests to continue theguardian.com/australia-news… @msmarto @JoshButler #auspol

Exclusive: Welcome to The Uber Files.
A cache of 124,000 documents, leaked to the Guardian and shared with the @ICIJorg and international media partners, expose the inner workings of Uber and the rules it flouted in pursuit of world domination.

Mutual Obligations in the welfare system essentially guarantee payment and profit to the $7.1 billion outsourced job provider network. That's why the Department says the 4-week pause is "being closely monitored." Lot of private equity firms making bank. thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/politics/…