JimChalmers has a once-in-a-century chance to spend a 1/4 of a trillion on nation building without going into a cent of debt.Or he can keep the stage 3 tax cuts. Australia is a rich country & if we ditch these cuts we’ll feel like it #auspol #revenuesummit theguardian.com/australia-news…

So excited to launch the preview of our new podcast series on the defamation trial of the century. Blows my mind how good it is. Huge shout out to @BenDohertyCorro and @EllenLeabeater for months of hard work.
Introducing Ben Roberts-Smith v the media theguardian.com/australia-news…

Only 22% support the stage 3 tax cuts theguardian.com/australia-news…

He doesn't miss.
The idea of not even acknowledging this is a challenge is insane, when the audience data makes it clear this is probably the biggest single issue the broadcaster has to grapple with.

The dire shortage of affordable rentals is a disastrous social problem driving increased #homelessness and #rentstress. It's also an economic crisis exacerbating the skills shortages of essential workers like Kaila. @Milliganreports #BuildSocialHousing abc.net.au/news/2022-10-0…

The Lake Eyre Basin is the last big free-flowing desert river system in the world.
But will it be lost in the gas industry’s last dash for cash? abc.net.au/news/2022-10-0…

The ineptitude of Liz Truss has just given Anthony Albanese a useful precedent to move on our own tax cuts for high income earners if he wants to hedge against a downturn by rebuilding Australia’s fiscal buffers. Here’s a column on stage three 👇 #auspol theguardian.com/australia-news…

“It is an extraordinary experience to be sued for defamation by someone who has built his political career off being a political head kicker…” ⁦@shanebazzi⁩ writes powerfully of the awful effect Dutton’s defamation action had on him. theguardian.com/australia-news…

“I oscillate between feeling so stressed and defeated and drained by their treatment of me … and determination that I won’t let them walk over me like this.”
Asphyxia shared with me her battle with NDIS. Here is her story:

Police in Queensland and New South Wales failed to investigate a series of alleged sexual assaults against a 14-year-old girl, lost key documents related to the case, and later told the alleged victim that her formal statement had been “destroyed” theguardian.com/australia-news…

In today’s @SatPaper, me on the rise of Jayne Jagot - a historic appointment to the High Court - featuring this cracking headline by @notthatECB thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/law-crime…

Michael Pascoe: Treasury tells why it would be irresponsible governance, not smart politics, to keep a promise made back when unicorns danced over rainbows and the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and Easter Bunny were all regularly seen in the public bar. thenewdaily.com.au/news/politics/…