Exclusive: Josh Frydenberg came within ten votes of replacing Scott Morrison as PM. But he didn’t strike. Details in Wipeout, part 1 of a new series by Peter Hartcher and me theage.com.au/politics/feder…

One of Australia’s newer rental application platforms is using renters’ data in obscure and potentially discriminatory ways to “score” their applications against rental properties, and gives them a higher score when they offer to pay more rent theguardian.com/australia-news…

Introducing... Noisycharts! It's new web-app that quickly makes data into charts with audio + animation. A few examples to follow... theguardian.com/news/datablog/…

Wrote an opinion piece in todays @smh.
“Showing queer kids straight content won’t turn them straight. And showing straight kids queer content won’t turn them queer…It just depends on how much shame you want them to carry into their lives.”

This is the most incredible story I have ever had the privilege of telling. This is Amir Abdi's story - a refugee, disability advocate, national team representative in two different sports and maybe, soon, a Paralympian. For @GuardianAus with @abrfoto theguardian.com/sport/2022/nov…

There has been a massive surge in LNG production since the opening of the Gladstone port, that has led to a surge in gas industry revenue.
But a surge in tax revenue? Lol of course not!

No one should have this power, not even against one's political opponents. twitter.com/patskarvelas/s…