Full Story's summer series continues today with @allisonlchan exploring how Jane Austen continues to inspire new ideas and stories hundreds of years on for women of colour in Australia: theguardian.com/australia-news… #podcasts

Last year, the Australian government allowed $11.6 billion in subsidies for fossil fuels - more than 50 times the yearly budget of the National Recovery and Resilience Agency smh.com.au/environment/cl…

Speaking to @sarahdingle_ in a personal capacity, RSL National President Greg Melick backs NSW proposal to roll out cashless pokies cards abc.net.au/radionational/…

RSL Australia president Greg Melick has threatened to split from the body that runs RSL clubs over its campaign against cashless gaming cards. Melick supports gaming reform and says the clubs should act 'ethically' or lose rights to call themselves RSL: abc.net.au/news/2023-01-0…