I’ve known John Hughes since I was 11. Last year, I was made aware that he had plagiarised me. That’s the top line of this story, but if you want to know more about its complexities, I wrote about it here. theguardian.com/books/commenti…

Feature on tonight’s @4corners. Students at Opus Dei-aligned school told pornography causes holes in your brain, discouraged from getting cervical cancer vaccine bc will make them promiscuous. @Dom_Perrottet has referred to Education Standards Authority.

Here's 120 years of Australian immigration history condensed into 1 minute - and check out the link for the full interactive graphic with has much more detail theguardian.com/australia-news…

back at work and back on my bullshit: the robodebt royal commission is the biggest Australian story in decades (but I would say that, wouldn't I) rickmorton.substack.com/p/nobody-expec…

“If any future NSW government relies on gambling addiction to pay their bills then it’s a morally bankrupt government” - @WilkieMP #PutPokiesInTheirPlace #nswpol #auspol smh.com.au/politics/nsw/w…