🚨Greens will SUPPORT the safeguard mechanism - say they've secured a "hard cap" on emissions, and a "pollution trigger" in the bill requiring the climate minister to test a new/expanded project's impact on the carbon budget theguardian.com/australia-news…

Whistleblowers should be protected rather than prosecuted.
The failure of Richard Boyle's PID Act defence underlines the urgent need to reform our whistleblower protections.
They're not up to scratch, so let's fix them now.

If the Liberal Party isn’t ready for @Matt_KeanMP as leader, it's won't be ready to govern. The troglodytes calling the shots. @jamesrob reporting |
The New Daily thenewdaily.com.au/news/politics/…

Strong signals in #qt that Labor will restore funding to the National Library, Trove, collecting and arts institutions. #auspol

If you missed it, really recommend this piece from @FilleyOtis who has been covering the fish kills in Menindee for 4 years (you've probably seen his amazing reporting, photos and video in @GuardianAus all week) theguardian.com/australia-news…

Greens expected to agree to safeguard mechanism deal #auspol #politicslive with @AmyRemeikis