Spectator Australia is a home for conservative figures like Tony Abbott and Alan Jones to write about current affairs.
My investigation shows it has also published far-right white supremacists who are using it to mainstream and normalise extreme beliefs. crikey.com.au/2023/04/21/spe…

This is an excellent, heartfelt article by Hamish McDonald. Schools in receipt of public funding should not be permitted to discriminate. smh.com.au/national/the-f…

The ABC will re-air its 4Corners probe 'Fox and the Big Lie' on Monday as a single program adding "latest developments", despite adverse ACMA findings via @crikey_news crikey.com.au/2023/04/21/abc…

Murdoch’s lawyers...said Mr Murdoch remained confident the court would 'ultimately find in his favour', but no longer wished to allow Crikey to use the case to 'facilitate a marketing campaign” to boost subscribers.'

Lachlan Murdoch tried to crush an Australian digital news site that had criticized him for conspiring with Trump. Today he backed down. nytimes.com/2023/04/20/bus…

Like UK Phone hacking scandal FOX's legal liabilities for broadcasting election 'falsehoods', actually lies, way, way to run, from company's ongoing legal jeopardy to directors' fiduciary responsibilities. Mess likely outlast Mr Murdoch @TIME time.com/6272910/domini…

Breaking: Lachlan Murdoch drops Crikey defamation action; Indigenous voice won’t ‘fetter’ parliament, solicitor-general says theguardian.com/australia-news…