As sure as night follows day, PwC hires crisis communications veteran Sue Cato @nickbonyhady…

“I have contempt for people who deliberately and consciously spread lies in order to destroy this referendum…This is an opportunity to be celebrated.” Kerry O’Brien
@Peter_Fitz⁩ 👇🏻…

Before & after the Roberts Smith verdict, most Australians are only interested in how our legacy in Afg. effects our own.
An Afghan org was documenting atrocities like those uncovered by ⁦@smh⁩ & informing the ADF since 2009.
My piece out today.…

It will be a month before this lawyer from the Western NSW Community Legal Centre visits again, as part of outreach programs that cover 200,000 square km stretching from Dubbo past Bourke and north to the Qld border. ⁦@ninobucci⁩ ⁦…

Good one @andrewprobyn
"Australian intelligence's secret hand in bringing down the Bali bombers"…
My @ANUBellSchool "Honeypots & Overcoats" /"Intel & Security" students will want to see this.