Little exclusive for your Wednesday morning
The taser used on 95yo grandmother Clare Nowland and other key details were stripped from a draft of the first police statement

Not often that The Guardian gets praised on 2GB but Tim Costello is right to praise them for ditching all gambling ads worldwide:…

News Corp plans “The Voice” 24/7 - a well argued Rear Window take down of the latest toxic Murdoch empire thought bubble…

Kids, write 500-words on inequity: top private school principal salary packages hit $1m, at schools still part-funded by struggling working taxpayers.…

‘It’s like the Logies, but for ugly people.’
In which I share some thoughts on this evening’s Midwinter Ball.…

Great article by @myriamrobin exposing the Pharmacy Guild's tactics in arguing against extended prescribing. If pharmacies are only sustainable because consumers are forced to make unnecessary trips to get their meds it's time to change the funding model.…

Albanese govt: Vale the great Yunupingu who did so much for his people.
Also Albanese govt: Now we go straight to the High Court to undo his legacy and ensure his people are never compensated for the land stolen from them. Yunupingu who dat.…

This is a good piece on the ridiculous price of non alcoholic gin and beer.
"Industry players don’t pay that tax on non-alcoholic drinks. So, in a sense, they are pocketing a hefty bonus that well-anchored customers forget is not being passed on"…

Attention - journalists, writers, researchers. TOMORROW - June 22nd - I am hosting a webinar to explain what trauma/vicarious trauma is, how to take a trauma-informed approach, and tools to look after yourself when dealing with difficult people and topics.…

Australian employers are using non-complete clauses as a scare tactic to stop workers seeking employment elsewhere.
I spoke to @smh on how this tactic is used against employees at all levels - from frontline workers to senior executives.…