Why, supposedly, inflation is all the fault of greedy workers bit.ly/3P4kPtS #ausecon #ausbiz #auspol

Women in sport are daily subject to an extreme power differential, objectification, harassment, sexual abuse and an absence of agency and power.
This is horrific.
He should be stood down immediately by ⁦@FIFAcom⁩ and the Spanish FA.

I am jointing with powerful ACT advocates today calling for the ACT Gov to establish a specialist sex offences court. ⁦Seeking justice should not exacerbate trauma, disempowerment and entrench sexual violence- systemic reform is needed. #auspol canberratimes.com.au/story/8314992/

Whistleblowers - the 'Sam Kerrs of transparency and justice'. Couldn't have said it better myself. Incredible cartoon @firstdogonmoon theguardian.com/commentisfree/…