Why on earth are Australian governments keeping COVID research and modelling secret? One of our leading forecasters says there’s a “culture of secrecy around data that is damaging to our public discourse”.

Ideally, the Libs and ALP will have united ticket on this - an agreement to do the right thing and in the cause of reducing problem gambling, stand up against the power of the clubs.
RSL clubs call on members to speak up against cashless gaming smh.com.au/politics/nsw/r…

Great piece here from @RDNS_TAI pointing out inter alia, that subsidising fossil fuels, private schools & small businesses to drive ‘round in huge utes does little for productivity canberratimes.com.au/story/8039656/…

I was campaign director for the 1999 @AusRepublic Continually making demands for "more detail" is a tactic of those who oppose constitutional change. Don't let it happen again #TheVoice

Got to make this lovely audio story about the magical @mess_ltd for @GuardianAus summer series. With thanks to all the artists who spoke to me. shorturl.at/orwQS

Every single year without fail this story runs. The public subsidy of private supply (eg private schools)is inflationary unless you cap the fees. Forget how unjust it is. It is a monumental waste of public money. smh.com.au/national/nsw/s…

So inspired by @kristinastoney's story, as told by @ellenleabeater on Full Story's summer series today. Great listen to start 2023 off right 🎧: theguardian.com/australia-news… #podcast