"Sadly, Afghans would probably not believe people spoke up on their behalf through fearless journalism in Australia. I wish they could get to see the regard for human dignity these individuals and journalists have shown" @Ageinvestigates theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

BREAKING our @4corners: Matt wants every parent of a Scout to hear his story. Matt’s convicted abuser is alive, in jail, will give evidence to say Scouts NSW should have done more to stop him. Scouts had Matt’s case shut down. Matt ordered to pay costs. 1

Quite an extraordinary story on how Scott Morrison bested Boris Johnson on beef tariffs (amongst other things) in the FTA over a dinner of wine and lamb, complete with a Machiavellian appearance by George Brandis as UK officials looked on horrified politico.eu/article/boris-…

Big story from @KnottMatthew. The FBI is still investigating Julian Assange and is seeking to interview the ghostwriter of his autobiography

Everything is fine.
US military drone controlled by AI killed its operator during simulated test theguardian.com/us-news/2023/j…

As sure as night follows day, PwC hires crisis communications veteran Sue Cato @nickbonyhady smh.com.au/business/compa…