‘“I still want to see a more positive, optimistic view of Australia’s history,” Tudge told Sky News.’
Here’s an idea.
How about we just tell the truth. thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/politics/…

In today's @SatPaper, me on Collaery and what must come next - an end to the other whistleblower prosecutions, PID Act reform and a whistleblower protection commissioner satpa.pe/9w0

NEW: A woman in Dallas is arguing that she can’t be ticketed for driving alone in the HOV lane because she’s 34 weeks pregnant and the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade—and Texas law now says a fetus is a person. She says they can’t have it both ways. dallasnews.com/news/watchdog/…

With the Bernard Collaery trial ended, it's time the perpetrators of the crimes he helped expose were held to account.
And what about the politicians and journalists who sat silent while he was persecuted?

Approving half a billion to expand a war memorial, Morrison government ordered almost that much sliced from helping veterans. “War Memorial grows while veterans consigned to the hurt locker”. theage.com.au/national/war-m…

Shinzo Abe’s killer told police he held a grudge over the ex PM’s association with a certain group & his “mother was absorbed in the group and made a large donation, and the family life was messed up”, NHK reports. www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2022…

Tamworth real estate agent George Barton has never seen a market like this. Housing supply in the region of 60,000 people has become almost nonexistent. “As it stands today, we’ve only got three [rental homes] on our books.” ⁦@parkerfiftyonetheguardian.com/australia-news…

Sex scandals will bring down more prime ministers if Westminster doesn't deal with its sex pests.
✍️ Me on Pestminster in today's @smh & @theage
🔗 Full piece: latika.me/Pestminster