The Albanese govt’s emissions reduction plan is a total sham. As one expert told me, the closer you look the worse it gets. This is a deep dive into carbon offsets (and the fossil fuel influence), and how they have come to dominate Aust climate policy.

After Centrelink frontline worker Jeannie-Marie Blake's searing evidence to the #robodebtrc, she speaks to Guardian Australia: "We kept speaking, at every chance, as often we could. I had to believe that, at some point, they will be held accountable."…

One in three Australian prisoners (36.6 per cent) haven't actually been sentenced. Many are yet to face trial, meaning they're still legally innocent. Some are charged with offences that wouldn't necessarily result in jail time. With @CaseyBriggs…

Mr Howard providing an elastic view of Middle Australia -- those with super balances over $3m, all 36,000 of them 😑…

Interesting that some of the realist arguments are now - finally - getting an airing. From none other than Anatol Lieven…