If you have a regional "press release" project near you that you are worried may not go ahead, or that you think should not go ahead, let us know. Hundreds of projects in $120bn infrastructure investment program will be reviewed for value+significance

Today on Full Story - great interview with Mike Freelander by ⁦@lauramoates⁩ about jobseeker, growing inequality and why he was wrong to support stage three tax cuts >> A Labor MP on breaking ranks over jobseeker theguardian.com/australia-news…

Huge flaw AFR editorial on out of control costs of the NDIS is any reference to the failure of the previous government to tackle the issue head-on. Put simply, scheme is badly designed. Sooner that is recognised the better QED afr.com/politics/feder…

Half a million households struggling to put food on the table. Let them eat transphobic wedding cake! Oh wow I should have put that in the cartoon. Anyway... theguardian.com/commentisfree/…