See also:
Total/sort: Show: days Offset: days
This shows how many cases there were in each local government area each day. It includes cases diagnosed by both PCR and RAT tests. It can either show the number of cases reported or the case rate per 100,000 residents.
This is sorted by the total shown on the right. By default, this is the total number of cases in the last thirty days. When the data shown is cases per 100,000, the total reflects the proportion of residents who have tested positive (e.g., a total of 5,000 means 5% of residents have tested positive). The total expressed as "1 in x" is based on the total and the population of the LGA. The number of active cases (as it's generally defined in Australia) is very similar to the number of cases in the last 14 days. The average shown on the right is the daily average for the period the total comes from.
The total row at the bottom always shows the total number of cases that day. Hover the mouse over any cell to see the date, or a LGA label to see its population.
The dates are diagnosis dates, so data released today will have data up to yesterday.
This page is updated regularly with the latest data from Victoria.
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