Must read by Osman Faruqi on the ABC’s institutional failure to combat racism & protect staff
A gut wrenching read, that unfortunately rings very true - this should be a serious wake up call…

The chair of the Climate Change Authority is also the chair of the largest private carbon developer in the country.
Do people know this? Do we need to start asking more questions about conflicts of interest? Yes we do.…

"For years I've been a media target for racism and paid a heavy price. For now, I want no part of it – I'm walking away"… via @ABCaustralia

It's important to really dwell deeply on the sheer absurdity of what's being talked about here
An avoidable project releases methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Somehow, that is undone because someone in another state promises to release less

As Australia takes on an unaffordable and risk ladened $368B project to procure 8 #AUKUS nuclear subs, our five-eyes partner, Canada, is eyeing off a much more sensible purchase of 12 sea-proven Sth Korean designed large conventional subs for $70B. #auspol…

One year on, Albanese cements his hold on the centre. And he has a plan to build on that by 2025.
Interview with the PM:

Content warning: Discussion of sexual assault.
This is an incredibly powerful piece about 'stealthing', rape, and popular culture.
@GingerGorman is a brilliant writer and dear friend. It takes courage to write an article like this.
Thank you, Ginger.

Nice to see one other publication alive to the central cause of our housing crisis - governments walking away from social and affordable housing, preferring to leave it to "the market"… via @SatPaper